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Nick McGhie at South Western Sydney PHN_Aerial view of Jakarta/Hani Santosa/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 10, 2023
The integrated Real-time Active Data now facilitates the sharing of the personal health records of 20,000 consenting patients across the South Western Sydney Primary Health Network, says digital health and data manager Nick McGhie.
Dr I-Rue Lai at National Taiwan University Hospital_Aerial view of Jakarta/Hani Santosa/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 09, 2023
NTUH vice superintendent Dr I-Rue Lai explains current work to introduce a value-based care system, starting with a new scheme for chronic disease patients.
Gina Bertolini at K&L Gates_Photo: Ransomware animation by mrcmrc/Getty Images
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 08, 2023
Health systems can get ahead of cyber subterfuge by deploying mock threat actors to break into information systems, move around and see what they can do, says Gina Bertolini, partner at K&L Gates.
Maria Hassel, Swedish eHealth Agency's international coordinator
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 07, 2023
Sweden is already using health data to improve health policy decisions and innovation. It is optimistic that EHDS legislation can be enacted within a year, says Maria Hassel from the Swedish eHealth Agency.  
Dr Russell Leftwich at InterSystems_sponsored_Aerial view of Jakarta/Hani Santosa/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By 01:06 pm November 06, 2023
Indonesia is poised to reap unique benefits from building FHIR into its SatuSehat platform, says Dr Russell Leftwich, senior clinical advisor of interoperability for InterSystems.
Myra Davis at Texas Children's Hospital_Photo: Newborn at hospital by ruizluquepaz/E+/Getty Images
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 06, 2023
With the unique title of chief information innovation officer, Davis takes a forward-thinking approach to tech advancement. She discusses IT opportunities of standing up a new hospital, as well as provider and patient experience and AI initiatives.
Dr. Ricardo Leite, CEO of I-DAIR.
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 03, 2023
According to I-DAIR's Dr Ricardo Leite, we can reduce the burden of disease by focusing our limited workforce on things we can fix. Going digital makes this possible, so we can shift from "disease systems" to "health systems".
Alisa Chestler at Baker Donelson_Photo: Driving down forest road by mack2happy/Getty Images
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 02, 2023
Electronic health record market, policy and funding variables have historically left behavioral health behind, but there is movement on all fronts, says Alisa Chestler, chair of the data protection, privacy and cybersecurity Team at Baker Donelson.
Marci Bennafield
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am November 01, 2023
Marci Bennafield, clinical instructor at Georgia State University's health informatics program, explains that, with 97% of American adults now owning a cell phone, there are more ways to intervene in health issues and lower disparities.
Elise Kohl-Grant, cochair of the programming committee at the HIMSS New York State Chapter
By HIMSS TV 01:00 pm October 31, 2023
The chapter looks at how individuals are engaging with their care to incorporate the patient's perspective into health equity initiatives.

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