Patty Enrado

Patty Enrado is Special Projects Editor at HIMSS Media.

By Patty Enrado 07:53 am June 01, 2015
(SPONSORED) The healthcare industry is undergoing a "complete revolution," based on all the data about our health and wellness that is being collected on a daily basis, according to Kurt Roemer, chief security strategist at Citrix.
Doctor with virtual touchscreen
By Patty Enrado 09:40 am May 15, 2015
Clinical workflow efficiencies, greater security for mobile users and quantitative ROI were running themes this week at Citrix Synergy 2015, which concluded in Orlando on Thursday.
Flow chart
By Patty Enrado 09:59 am May 14, 2015
While Jackson Health System CISO Connie Barrera's main job is ensuring security, she must also balance functionality and consumption. If a secure technology is not easy to use, she says, clinicians and staff aren't going to use it.
Children's Hospital of Los Angeles photo via Wikipedia
By Patty Enrado 09:19 am May 13, 2015
Prior to the deployment of its virtual desktop infrastructure, clinicians at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles had been logging into desktops using shared user IDs -- a risky shortcut to bypass having to type multiple passwords.
By Patty Enrado 05:14 am April 20, 2015
(SPONSORED) Building on the success of last year's healthcare IT session track, the upcoming Citrix Synergy conference, May 12-14, brings even greater value to healthcare attendees.
By Patty Enrado 08:09 am March 12, 2015
(SPONSORED) The enhanced healthcare IT session track at the upcoming Citrix Synergy conference, May 12-14, includes six healthcare-specific sessions -- to date -- featuring customer stories of how Citrix helped them overcome clinical workflow and IT challenges.
By Patty Enrado 09:44 am December 01, 2014
(SPONSORED) It is an exciting time to be in the healthcare industry, especially considering the impact technological advancements in digital health have had on healthcare.
By Patty Enrado 08:42 am March 22, 2013
The housing, medical, prevention services provider couldn't find software to replace its cumbersome Excel spreadsheet and paper chart processes, and now the Brooklyn Health Information Exchange is also using the tool to share information between the two entities.
By Patty Enrado 08:23 am February 25, 2013
In a farewell column, NHINWatch Editor Patty Enrado shares her excitement for handing day-to-day operations of the site over to Government Health IT's own Anthony Brino.
By Patty Enrado 09:54 am February 18, 2013
Multiple models of health information exchange are at work, with varying degrees of success. At least one critic calls the nationwide network of HIEs an "unmitigated disaster," while proponents in the trenches say it will take time for the the systems and standards to mature, and also to work through some very complicated issues, policy and...

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