John Halamka

John D. Halamka, MD, MS, is CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Chairman of the New England Healthcare Exchange Network and Co-Chair of the HIT Standards Committee. He blogs at Life as a Healthcare CIO, where this post originally appeared.

John Halamka HIMSS19
By John Halamka 09:01 am March 27, 2019
As the world deals with aging populations, the Harvard professor and veteran CIO looks at how Japan has the urgency, vision and support to change care delivery models in ways that other countries would be smart to emulate.
Beth Israel Deaconess
By John Halamka 10:31 am October 05, 2015
Many have asked John Halamka, MD about the first few days of ICD-10. The answer for his institutions is that other than a few small refinements, the impact has been unnoticeable.
Healthcare icons
By John Halamka 10:40 am March 25, 2015
On March 20, CMS released its proposed Stage 3 rules and certification critieria for eligible hospitals and providers. This analysis by Micky Tripathi and John Halamka, MD, goes through the good, the bad and the ugly of it all.
By John Halamka 02:14 pm December 05, 2014
My 83 year old father-in-law returned from a recent outpatient visit to his primary care provider with two customized handouts – a transition of care summary detailing problems/meds/allergies and an opt-in consent for the exchange of that care summary over the state Healthcare Information Exchange, the MassHIWay.
By John Halamka 10:49 am October 21, 2014
One of the most frequent complaints in John Halamka's email inbox these days is that electronic health records are filled with data, but little knowledge or wisdom. The era of Ebola, he says, has accelerated the urgency for us to rethink the way we document.
By John Halamka 10:00 am July 29, 2014
In the realm of e-prescribing, there remains one key issue to bring to light, says John Halamka, MD, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and that's the need for increased industry awareness and adoption of the full functionality already present in e-prescribing standards -- in other words, going beyond the core requirements of meaningful use.
By John Halamka 12:00 am August 15, 2013
This morning, National HIT Coordinator Farzad Mostashari resigned. His letter to ONC staff was profound. As I read it, I felt a lump in my throat. He will be missed.
By John Halamka 09:30 am November 06, 2012
Last week my mother fell and broke her hip. She was taken to a very good local hospital and received excellent orthopedic care.

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