Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis is Senior Editor for Healthcare IT News, exclusively covering cybersecurity and government policy. She writes the bi-weekly HITN Cybersecurity Checkup and is lead editor for Women in Health IT.

Philips Wellcentive’s Business Leader Niki Buchanan
By Jessica Davis 02:35 pm November 19, 2018
Philips Wellcentive’s Business Leader Niki Buchanan also gives tips for women working in the health IT industry.
misconfigured database breach
By Jessica Davis 03:59 pm November 05, 2018
The Attorney General also banned the former business associate of Virtua Medical Group from doing business in the state for accidentally uploading 1,654 patient files to an FTP server left open to the public.
Congressional Consumer Data Protection Legislation
By Jessica Davis 03:27 pm November 02, 2018
Introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden, the Consumer Data Protection Act overhauls internet privacy protections and gives FTC the authority to create standards and penalize law-breakers.
By Jessica Davis 04:44 pm October 31, 2018
The new HHS-DHS Health Cybersecurity Coordination Center, HC3, replaces the Healthcare Cybersecurity Communications and Integration Center after a year of turmoil and unraveling.
Ransomware virus on healthcare sector
By Jessica Davis 03:03 pm October 30, 2018
A new Symantec report finds the notorious, highly targeted virus is primarily hitting the U.S. – especially the healthcare sector, where hackers may believe orgs are more likely to pay.
breach medical identity theft
By Jessica Davis 05:03 pm October 29, 2018
Hackers can perform synthetic identify theft long after a cybersecurity event by piecing together data to conduct medical and insurance fraud.
IBM buys Red Hat
By Jessica Davis 09:47 am October 29, 2018
Big Blue said it hopes to disrupt the cloud market and become one of the largest hybrid cloud providers.
Cybersecurity vulnerability patch management
By Jessica Davis 02:19 pm October 26, 2018
Veracode found that the healthcare and retail sectors are reducing risk the fastest among other industries, but 75 percent of employees struggle with identifying best practices.
Phishing email hack
By Jessica Davis 02:14 pm October 25, 2018
While investigating one phishing attack in August, medical center officials discovered a hacker had access to three accounts for more than a month.
man under two umbrellas
By Jessica Davis 04:28 pm October 24, 2018
The final chapter in our cyber insurance series outlines the legal considerations after a breach, mainly, ensuring the organization can choose its own investigator.

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