Home healthcare
By Intel 10:47 am April 02, 2015
(SPONSORED) Kay Eron at Intel talks about how current technology in medical devices impact patient care.
By Intel 10:41 am April 01, 2015
(SPONSORED) General manager, Consumer Health at Intel Corporation, Michael Jackson discusses the growth of the consumer health market.
By Intel 10:40 am March 01, 2015
(SPONSORED) Ketan Paranjape, general manager, Life Sciences at Intel Corporation, discusses the challenges of genomic sequencing and merging data with EHRs.
By Intel 02:54 pm January 29, 2014
Ketan Paranjape, Director of Personalized Medicine, Intel Corporation, discusses how visionary healthcare organizations around the world are using unstructured data and data analysis to deliver personalized medicine for their patients.
By Intel 02:40 pm January 29, 2014
Eric Dishman, Intel Fellow and General Manager of the Health & Life Sciences Group, Intel Corporation, sees the healthcare delivery system moving toward an ecosystem in which technology helps to empower patients and smart care teams and networks.
By Intel 02:27 pm January 29, 2014
Mark Blatt, MD, MBA, Worldwide Medical Director, Sales and Marketing Group, Intel Corporation, discusses how existing and innovative mobile technologies will drive the transformation of the healthcare delivery system.

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