Infographic: 2015 health IT purchasing trends

By Madelyn Kearns
11:21 AM

Healthcare purchasers are thinking beyond EHRs and even security investments in 2015, looking toward ICD-10 transition and population health management technologies, according to the latest report from industry research firm peer60.

It’s expected that healthcare organization will spend billions on technology this year, dropping big bucks on products aimed at helping billing departments, patients and provider teams – before turning their checkbooks toward security and analytics ventures.

While smaller hospitals (250 beds or fewer) are directing their health IT budgets towards ICD-10, according to the report, large and mid-sized hospitals are mostly focusing on population health management.

The infographic below details the top investment — and re-investment — areas hospitals have chosen to home in on this year, and looks at the vendors that dominate that given sector.

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