Comstock and Sarasohn-Kahn
By Healthcare IT News 09:00 am July 06, 2021
Value-based care has been on the horizon for years. Providers that were ready to leverage digital tools to deliver care remotely experienced success when the payment model finally took hold during the early days of the pandemic.
By Healthcare IT News 10:00 am June 28, 2021
Also: Product and partnership news from Careport, Seqster, OMNY Health and others.
HIMSS Exhibit Hall
By Healthcare IT News 04:50 pm June 07, 2021
HIMSS continues to engage with internal and external experts to help with health and safety decisions in Las Vegas. It is also working with other experts in public health, population health, epidemiology, event planning and more.
Podcast guest Dr. Charles Alessi
By Healthcare IT News 01:26 pm June 04, 2021
HIMSS Chief Clinical Officer Charles Alessi previews his new book, "Increase Your Brainability"
Physicians and healthcare leaders
By Healthcare IT News 01:50 pm June 03, 2021
In addition to 11 recipients of the inaugural Changemaker in Health Awards, George Halvorson will receive the first HIMSS Changemaker Lifetime Achievement Award.
Podcast guests Carol Hornbeck and Edwin Shurig
By Healthcare IT News 09:50 am May 28, 2021
Two small-practice therapists discuss their COVID-19 telehealth experiences.
By Healthcare IT News 09:34 am May 28, 2021
Providers learn valuable lessons that can help them deliver effective digital care in the future.
Person with dog using a smartphone
By Healthcare IT News 06:43 am May 25, 2021
Four changes could lead to extensive adoption, says the founder of Sherpaa.
Podcast guest Thanos Drougkas
By Healthcare IT News 10:39 am May 14, 2021
Cybersecurity expert Thanos Drougkas explains how COVID-19 has changed the threat landscape around smart hospitals - and how administrators should respond to potential attacks.
Podcast guest Tao Zhang
By Healthcare IT News 12:48 pm May 07, 2021
NIST's Tao Zhang joins HIMSSCast for a primer on edge computing and its implications for healthcare and cybersecurity.

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