Edgar D. Staren, MD

By Edgar D. Staren, MD 09:48 am October 01, 2009
In a previous article ("Keys to EHR Team Success," Healthcare IT News; January 12, 2009) we detailed a number of governance structural components which are key to successful electronic health record (EHR) implementation.
By Edgar D. Staren, MD 03:19 pm August 11, 2009
An often times overlooked aspect to implementing an electronic health record (EHR) is the need for a solid technical infrastructure.
By Edgar D. Staren, MD 09:50 am May 14, 2009
A colleague of ours frequently comments how he once had a professor that instructed his class "never to do an information technology project with the primary goals of saving money, reducing headcount, or reducing paper."
By Edgar D. Staren, MD 10:05 am April 15, 2009
In previous articles we have introduced several steps which are critical to optimizing the successful implementation of electronic health records. Part of this process necessitates buy-in from organizational leadership (e.g. Board and senior administration) followed by clinical staff and other organizational membership.
By Edgar D. Staren, MD 08:29 am January 08, 2009
Much has been written about the pros and cons of leadership teams composed of senior healthcare administrators and clinicians, but there is little debate that active involvement by both parties is essential to the successful management of the hospital organization.

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