Changing your Healthcare IT buying dynamic to provide a win-win scenario

To ensure long-term successful adoption of emerging technologies, stakeholders across several departments must be included in the decision process.
12:30 PM

Photo: ipopba/Getty Images

As healthcare providers consider technology solutions to improve patient care and clinical workflow, many stakeholders across several departments must be included in the decision process to ensure successful outcomes. Emerging technologies provide great promise to improve healthcare, but in order to ensure adoption and achieve maximum value, all stakeholders' should be addressed.

Join Connie W. Hebert, MBA, RN, Healthcare CNO from Dell Technologies as she discusses why her experience as a practicing nurse drives her to engage clinical business leaders in the IT solution buying process, ultimately positioning the organization to help provide better patient care, while providing win-win scenarios for IT and the clinicians.

Talking Points:

  • Emerging technologies provide great promise to improve healthcare
  • Involving practitioners early into the buying process is important
  • All Healthcare stakeholders' needs must be addressed to ensure long-term success
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